12-2 arena run with paladin


<1> Blessing of Wisdom
<1> Argent Squire
<1> Elven Archer x2
<2> Equality
<2> Acidic Swamp Ooze
<2> Ancient Watcher
<2> Argent Protector x2
<2> Sunfury Protector
<2> Wild Pyromancer
<3> Aldor Peacekeeper
<3> Flesheating Ghoul
<3> Raging Worgen x2
<3> Scarlet Crusader



<4> Truesilver Champion
<4> Consecration
<4> Hammer of Wrath
<4> Defender of Argus
<4> Gnomish Inventor
<5> Booty Bay Bodyguard
<5> Stranglethorn Tiger
<6> Bolderfist Ogre x2
<6> Lord of the Arena
<7> Guardian of Kings
<7> Stormwind Champion
<10> Deathwing







Hearthstone_Screenshot_4.16.2014.21.12.55 Top Combo:
Raging Worgen -> Elven Archer -> Blessing of Wisdom -> Argent Protector

Categorized: Allgemein
