~Ragnar Lothbrok (Vikings)
„I hope that someday our gods can become friends.“
„I hope that someday our gods can become friends.“
Quality is the absence of discomfort in application.
The State that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.
Endlich Zeit sich um die Opfer der Weihnachtstage zu kümmern.
At long last a another 12 win arena run. To no big surprise this time it was a paladin deck that carried me. Having some rather medium – but flexible – early game really helped me out and divine shields and a keeper of uldaman secured the midgame while 2 Cult Masters made sure I didn’t run out of steam.
Ein frühes Weihnachtsgeschenk vom Finanzamt. Da soll nochmal einer sagen man bekommt nie was geschenkt… 😛